
The land of the english. And i like it. It feels so familiar to have people all around you speak english, being able to understand everything, including the british accent. The english are polite and warm, ever helpful when i need directions. All i need is to hold a map, and they'll come up to you and ask if you need directions. Food is much cheaper than in norway, but still more costly compared to the standards at home. The air is moist and cool, refreshing in a way. The car rental worked out just fine, maybe just abit more costly than than public transport, but I got to see so many nice views. Would like to come back and do a cycle round the countryside, maybe when the weather is not so rainy. Stow-on-the-wold in Cotwolds was a very nice village, a place to relax and enjoy the countryside. Finally went to mass yesterday, and the homily was about forgiveness, and i think i need to learn that. I have lots of disagreement with S and Z, but i guess i need to be a good catholic and stop my sarcastic remarks about them and start talking to them properly.


Past Adventures