The Dream Adventure
I had a Adventure, while I was sleeping. It was an exciting but scary at the same time. In the dream, my heart was racing and my adrenaline was pumping, I was running, and killing and doing so many crazy things. The Asian Adventure begins.
It started out with a simple mail to my old house down at Marine Terrace. I had received a stack of letters that was mailed to me. But this stack of letters were different. They were bundled together and handed out by a guy at the corner where 2 lines of shops meet. And it was strange, because the guy who gave out the letters reached into an envelope with cash, and handed each one some when we received our bundle of mail. I soon came to realise that it was a money laundering syndicate. But anyhow I went on my way and opened my bundle, and to my surprise, there was a similar envelope with cash inside! I was scared and happy, running all the way to my flat. The first person I met was my maternal Grandma, and told her about it, she gave me a worried look and told me to throw away the money since the money is tainted and will bring problems to my doorstep. I thought otherwise and opened the envelope and destroyed the envelope. I was prepared to lie my way through if ever there was a knock on the door. I handed my mum the money, paying her back what I had owed her for my overseas exchange trip. I remembered massaging my Mama's knee as she complained that it was aching. I also remembered looking at old photos of her when she was much fatter.
Now comes the exciting part. Somehow or other, the people that received their bundle of letters had to be on a ferry that made a trip from Changi beach to Bedok jetty, and in it was the runner of the big money laundering syndicate. I was a wreck of nerves throughout the boat ride. What if they realised that they forgot to take out the envelope of cash from my bundle? What if my lie fell through? Any thing could happen on that ferry, and I would have nowhere to run. But thankfully, the boat docked and all the passengers got out. I was about to rush out and run but my cool headed side told me not to arouse any suspicion. Apparently there was a coffin on board, and it had to go back to the docks somewhere in Changi beach. Some guy handed me a slip of paper to pass to the boatman, as much as I wanted to reject it, but I swallowed my adrenaline and acted normal as I headed to the front. As I did so, the ferry started to move off!! I was trapped yet again! But I knew that it was heading to Changi Beach ,where I could alight and take a bus home.
Soon after, the ferry morphed into a small sampan, and there was just me, the boatman, the runner and yan jie. Don't ask me why, but there was yan jie, sleeping like a log like he usually does. The sampan took a turn into a very strange and desolate calm stream. There were junkyards on either bank, with tonnes of scrap aluminumon either side. And the boatman, being a scrooge that he was, drove his sampan into the tyre w alls so that a little scrap aluminum will fall into his sampan so that he could re-sell it. All was going well until I saw a figure in the distance, moving. It was no human, and moved it jerky motions. As the sampan drew closer, it was a junk robot who was moving on its own, it was a scene straight out of transformers. My logical mind told me it was something plausible, junk cpu's still storing their past memory, and with their inbuilt AI, they start to think like humans, and build their body together. They start building other robots and programming with AI too, this species grow and evolve, and soon have a society of their own, living entirely on scrap material and fuel.
The robot had a childish appearance, something you would find in a child's play pen. But this one was yielding a toy missile, with a red and white cap which made it look rubberish. "Zoosh!" Suddenly that same missile was fired and it missed the boat by a narrow inch. I was still thinking it was made of rubber when it exploded upon contact with the stream. I turned my head to see 3 more similar missiles zipping past my head, it was then that I realised we needed to run. The boatman tried his best to avoid these missiles, but we were hit by one! I wanted to get out and run but he held my arm and told me it wasn't a wise thing to do. I pointed him to the herd of ill fitted war machines that were walking in the stream towards our location and he jumped out. Yan Jie was sleeping as usual, even the explosion and the sinking sampan didn't wake him. I gave him a jolt as the sampan drifted to the bank. He sprang up and we ran.
There were more scrap machines on the bank. These ones had lesser AI built in, but they were also programmed to kill. They held the 3 pronged spear and came charging at us. The spears, although made of plastic, could be potentially harmful. We snatched the spears and thrust them into the bots, short circuiting them instantly. As we ran, the robots got further and further away. We eventually caught sight of Bedok Camp II, and there were trainees outside the camp.
I felt good to be back home. But turning back, I could still see the bots lingering in the distance, waiting to pounce on anyone who had a brain, a brain that created their species.
Posted by wereuthere at Wednesday, March 17, 2010
what a weird weird and super long dream you had! Did you have a good sleep in the end?
I think you are excited about your upcoming trips, that's why you have these dreams.
hey! who are you learner man? haha i always have exciting dreams, sometimes more exciting than my life.ha
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