A Lappish Tale
This story was told to me by a Lappish man when I was in Lappland.
Seeing the Aurora is like Love.
You will not know when it comes.
When it comes, you won't know it is here.
And if it comes, you won't know how long it last.
And when it goes away, you won't know which way it went.
I type this in the comfort of my room, seeing the snowflakes fall just outside my window, against the back drop of the setting Sun. The Sun is my best friend, but as it sets for this evening, I feel kinda sad that its leaving me for one night.
I'm a Sun person, my moods are directly proportional to the weather. If the weather is gloomy, I'll be gloomy. If there is clear blue skies, I'll be excited and full of energy. When the sun rises, I appreciate its warmth it brings, when it sets, I look forward to seeing it again tomorrow.
Life is a cycle, I just hope I'm on the upward longer than the downward.
Off to dinner @ eugene's. Baked rice
Posted by wereuthere at Wednesday, February 10, 2010
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