Ash on my forehead
No, I wasn't burnt. And no, there was no fire in Linkoping.
I went for my annual Ash Wednesday mass at church. Its a day that we Catholics remember that we are made from ashes and back to ashes we will return. Anything material that we gain here on earth will be lost when we die. It teaches us to be humble, and to repent and to turn away from sin.
The mass was in total Swedish and I drifted somewhere else within that one and half hour mass. The church is where I do my reflection, and think about things. It is also where I ask questions, and pray for the well being of my family.
Today I thought about something recent that happened to me. Maybe there is a plan somewhere, but I've yet to discover it. But I asked that if it is God's will, I would like to be together with you eventually. I surrendered all to Him, and I'm now willing to accept any answer that he gives.
On a happier note, I received a postcard from my dear friend, and it makes me realise that there are still so many people that care for me. The Adventure continues!
Posted by wereuthere at Wednesday, February 17, 2010
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