Dear God

Dear God,

Is there a reason for everything? Could you give me a clue? It hurts being in the dark and guessing. Just a clue, its all I ask.
Your Son.

Hindsight is the best Foresight

"See I told you!" is, and will never be constructive. What it only does it to sink the sinker deeper into the rut, further emphasizing that the rut is where the sinker belongs. Everyone has their fair share of flaws, who loves for their flaws to be emphasised again and again? I've decided to try and adopt a noble mentality, to return kindness for malice. A shout should never be returned for a shout. Instead, return a calm resonating mellow.

I know my flaws through and through. I admit them. But you can do more for me than helping me admit them as well. I need support, understanding and a remedial plan, not a "See I told you!".

The Adventure continues on a reflection of the path ahead.


Is there such a thing as certainty? The world in a state of flux, should only be described as transient. Your life is, same goes for your fiancee, same goes for your happiness. While we all know that things like youth and possessions are transient, do you know if your wife will last through the end? A friend's engagement ended before it start. I guess nothing is certain, at least a faith in the teaching 'What God unites, man must not divide' proves true for me. I will definitely make my choice really wisely. The Adventure continues on a bus ride to get tail lights for riding to work.


Sometimes even the Adventurer gets scared. The forces of the wild need to be listened to and respected. Its no longer about who's braver and who's afraid of what. When you're dead or scared for life, it stays that way, brave and timid alike. Its time for the Adventurer to live responsibly, its time for him to stay alive and be well, not for himself but for others who care. Sorry to have let you taste true fear on the eve.

Past Adventures