The Good Times
The tide has changed, the time arranged. You sleep after my goodnight, and i rise with your laughter. Tis a weird arrangement, where all you do is laugh at my predicament. And strangely enough, it affects me positively. I concluded that we'll never get into a fight, cuz u know exactly when u'll lose but still maintain otherwise. I thinks its good that i can read you, sometimes like a book. But then again, there are some answers that are best left to be said by you, cuz i can only guess, but can never confirm. I think ur as unsure as i am about this, but at least we've decided to take on this story, a story with no plot.
Posted by wereuthere at Monday, May 16, 2011 0 comments
Do I know me?
Sometimes i dunno what i'm doing. Sometimes i embark on a journey, not knowing where it leads to, not knowing how it'll turn out. U said it rightly, 'a story with no fixed plot'. That is what makes life exciting right? If we can look into the crystal ball, all mystery and suspense would be lost, wouldn't it? But when do u decide that the journey is for you? When do u decide that you're gonna stick with this particular journey no matter what happens? When will i settle, and reach a steady state. I agree with my father, everything is so fluid with me, nothing ever stays constant. I wonder if its a good trait. Definitely good for a floater, not so sure about a man to rely on. Was asked, 'do u need a gf now?' i guess i just need a good friend to grow old with. And here i am, telling a good friend of mine, about all my adventures in my love life. I wonder if she is the right one. Everything seems more or less right, more or less promising. But maybe never had the chance to consider cuz she has been attached all, and i just can't see both of us dating.
Posted by wereuthere at Monday, May 16, 2011 0 comments